Letter of Announcement: EU Hub Release 1.7 ITE, IQE & PRD deployment
EMVO would like to provide more information regarding the deployment dates of Release 1.7 in the Integrated Test Environment (ITE), Integrated Quality Environment (IQE) and Production Environment (PRD).
- The deployment of R.1.7 in ITE is planned on 25th March, during business hours (9:00 CET onwards). A planned downtime window of approx. 8 hours will be published on the EVI.
- The deployment of R.1.7 in IQE is planned on 27th March, after business hours (18:00 CET). A planned downtime window of approx. 8 hours will be published on the EVI.
- The deployment of R.1.7 in PRD is planned on 18th April, after business hours (20:00 CET). A planned downtime window of approx. 8 hours will be published on the EVI. However, please note that the planned deployment in PRD is fully dependent on the outcome of the Interoperability testing.