Announcement – 500 Participation Agreements signed!
EMVO is glad to announce that a valuable step has been taken towards the Falsified Medicines Directive implementation. EMVO just reached the first 500 signed Agreements for Participation to the European Medicines Verification System (EMVS). The EMVO Team warmly thanks the 500 On-boarding Partners that initiated their On-boarding, this is very good news!
The signing of the Participation Agreement is a great first achievement in the On-boarding process, still a lot remains to be done to be fully compliant and the challenges are important. We encourage all our On-boarding Partners to assume their obligation without undue delay. Our informative tools and support team remain at your disposal to make your on-boarding successful.
This achievement is an encouraging step. However, approximately 2000 pharmaceutical companies have to initiate the process. The On-boarding figures are still far behind schedule, while the deadline is getting closer. It is of paramount importance to spread the message to the broader audience and to get all relevant actors ready on time.